The Importance of Pregnancy Resource Centers In Your Community

The Power of Choice

Pregnancy can be one of the most challenging journeys a woman has to undertake in her lifetime. During this time she needs all the support, care, and guidance she can get to ensure the health of the baby and herself. Fortunately, pregnancy resource centers exist to provide women with a place to find the help they need. Unlike Planned Parenthood, pregnancy centers offer all their services for Free.  And unlike the media narratives, pregnancy centers actually empower women to make fully informed choices.  By giving accurate information about the risks and side effects of the abortion pill and surgical abortions, and without pressure, these centers provide holistic care to women in Crisis. The media would like you to believe that because abortion-minded women change their minds, it is due to a fake clinic pressuring women not to abort.  However, the truth is rather surprising.  Women change their minds because they are loved, supported, cared for, and given all the information they deserve concerning all their options.  When the choice is really a choice, carrying to term becomes normative; the logical outcome. When the life of a mother and her baby is celebrated and supported by her community, abortion becomes unthinkable.   In this Blog, we’ll explore the importance of pregnancy resource centers, what they do, how they help women in crisis, and why they are so important to the community.

1. Providing Pregnancy Services

Perhaps the most important role a pregnancy resource center can play is providing support and accurate information for women about her pregnancy and her choices during pregnancy. Most pregnancy resource centers provide free pregnancy testing and counseling services, which can help women to make informed decisions about their pregnancies. Centers also provide guidance about prenatal care, nutrition, and childbirth preparation, all designed to help women have a healthy pregnancy.  The goal of a Pregnancy Center is to help a woman during crisis and support those who are considering carrying to term but who also may be struggling.  Planned Parenthood states, on what seems to be outdated data on their website that 1.1 million surgical abortions were performed in 2011. (1) But we don’t know how many lives were saved.  If the focus of Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry was about choices, it is our belief that both numbers would be celebrated and posted; The number of abortions and the number of women who carry to term.  Sadly, we know, that no money is made from the “life” choice. Planned Parenthood’s website indicates that abortion costs could range from $600 up to $2,000. (2) That is income between $600 million and 2 billion in 2011. These stats are important as pregnancy centers do not profit from the decisions a woman makes.  In fact, if a woman chooses to carry to term, more free services are provided in order to care for all her needs throughout the pregnancy and beyond.

2. Emotional Support

Pregnancy can be one of the most emotionally challenging times in a woman’s life. Many women feel worried, vulnerable, and anxious during this time. Pregnancy resource centers can provide a listening ear and compassionate support to women in crisis. These centers can assist women to find a safe and nurturing environment to discuss their issues and make informed decisions.  According to a recent fox news report a woman by the name of Jenkins shared her experience of love and support and how it made all the difference to her and her husband.

“They offered support, which was huge for me for making my final decision, because I was scared, financially, we were not in a position for bringing on a child,” she continued. “But, again, with their professionalism and their support and what they offered, it was amazing.”(3)

This is one of the millions of stories across the county by women who feel valued, supported, and loved during the most difficult time in their lives. This support is transformational and is our belief that this empowers women to make more informed decisions as they have more knowledge of the resources available.

3. Material and Supportive Assistance

Raising a child requires substantial resources. Pregnancy resource centers help women secure financial assistance, baby equipment, and supplies, such as diapers, clothing, formula, and more. They also provide referrals for parenting classes, healthcare providers, and other resources that ensure that mother and baby have everything they need to ensure a healthy, happy life. According to these supreme court documents heartbeat International reported,

In 2019, pregnancy help centers provided nearly 1.85 million people with free services, including medical-grade pregnancy testing; ultrasounds; prenatal care; parenting classes; options counseling; community referrals to adoption agencies, maternity homes, job centers, housing agencies, drug rehabilitation centers, and other social services organizations; and material assistance, including more than 2 million baby clothing outfits, more than 1.2 million packs of diapers, more than 19,000 strollers, and more than 30,000 new car seats. See Charlotte Lozier Report at 16, 24, 61-62. (4)

While the other side of the choice debate enjoys picking apart these stats and finding ways to distract from their impact, I have yet to see planned parenthood statistics on free car seats, strollers, and baby clothes.  The material support centers provide to women in need is essential to the health of our communities and the lives of these mothers and families.

4. Promoting Safe and Healthy Pregnancy Choices

Pregnancy resource centers serve as crucial community resources that promote safe and healthy pregnancy choices. Centers can provide educational classes on contraceptives, sex education, and healthy choices that help women avoid unwanted pregnancies. Additionally, women can find resources on how to deal with unplanned pregnancy options or parenting options, with adoption or other alternatives.

5. Community Outreach

Pregnancy resource centers contribute to their communities by promoting the importance of healthcare and healthy family relationships, and by providing sex educational and social activities, thus building the lifeline within their communities. These centers can help to create a network of support amongst mothers and families, making the community stronger and more supportive.  Many centers like the pregnancy resource center in grand rapids partner with local schools and churches to promote sex education and teen support in their willing-to-wait program. (5)  These donor-funded programs offered free to schools in their area help teens understand what choice really means and promotes choosing to wait as the best remedy against the unwanted situation of an unplanned pregnancy.


Pregnancy resource centers are essential resources in the community for women in crisis. They offer a variety of resources to women including material support, counseling services, emotional support, education, and assistance to make healthy decisions. It’s critical to have these resources available to women to help them navigate the challenges of pregnancy and motherhood.  These free services promote greater choice as more resources mean more options. Pregnancy resource centers play a vital role in building strong, cohesive communities that are better equipped to support families and their children. Together as a community, we can provide a healthy and nurturing environment for the mothers and babies in our communities, providing support to those in need.





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