Top 5 Things To Do Before Implementing A Digital Marketing Strategy

1. Optimize Your Digital Marketing Landing Page 

A poor landing page will sabotage the success of your digital marketing strategy before you even start your media buys. Some people are deterred from buying a product because the design of the landing page is unappealing. The following aspects can be tweaked to optimize your digital marketing landing page for optimal conversion:

Call to action: If the user doesn’t know what they should do on your website, they will leave. Make sure that you have a clear call to action at all times.

Conversion path: It is important to guide the user along a conversion path. This means that you need to create links and buttons that lead them in the right direction and toward your ultimate goal or objective for your user.

Keywords: Keywords are what search engines use to find content on your site. You want your keywords placed strategically throughout your content so that you rank higher in search results for those keywords.

Powerful images: Images are powerful because they can provide context and meaning for people who might not understand what you are trying to convey in text alone. Making sure your images match the look and feel of your website and lead a user toward further engagement with your and your product is key.

Layout and design: The layout of your website has a big impact on the overall user experience. Make sure your Landing page flows, is organized well, and has a consistent theme or style. Too many variations in font, color, style, and language can be confusing, leading users to bail or bounce off the page.

2. Implement And Integrate Data Sources 

Data sources are the backbone of any digital media campaign. Most people are not aware of the importance of data tracking and end up wasting a lot of time and money when not utilizing conversion metrics, most of which are free to use.

A successful digital media campaign needs tracking, google analytics, conversions tracking, pixels, etc. Data sources provide us with information to measure ROI and help us make decisions that will positively impact our campaign in the future. Proper tracking will also allow for robust reporting. Never be satisfied with reports that show only impressions and clicks. Vanity metrics are meaningless and unless you can see actual results such as calls, texts, leads, or sales, you will be unable to fully optimize your campaign.

3. Determine Your Digital Marketing Budget Before You Begin

Man Using laptop While Planning Media Budget.

The budget you allocate for digital marketing will depend on your company’s goals, the time you have, and the risks you are willing to take. Start out small. Digital marketing can be risky, so plan a budget you know you can afford to use experimentally. Digital marketing takes time to improve and you can increase budgets and your campaigns start to improve. Plan ahead and know what risks you are willing to take as you start out on any Digital Ad Campaign.

If you are a small business, the riskiest thing for you to do is to start advertising with an incredibly large budget, or without any budget at all. Whatever budget you plan to allocate to advertising you want to be sure that your advertising works, which is why data tracking is key. As you succeed, you will have more budget to allocate and your campaigns can grow with each new milestone of success.

4. Chose The Right Digital Strategy To Meet Your Needs

There are many different marketing strategies that you can use to help promote your business. Here are a few of the most popular and effective marketing strategies for online businesses:

SEM or Search Engine marketing is one of the best ways to advertise. Search, such as Adwords is intent-based marketing and is the most popular search engine advertising platform on the internet today. It targets people who are actively looking for specific products or services. You only pay when someone clicks on your advertisement and visits your website so it’s important to make sure that your ads are relevant and accurately target what they want.

Social media advertising is a powerful and effective way to reach new customers who might not know about your business. It can help you to build a following and generate buzz about your brand.

A digital strategy for social media can be broken down into three steps:

1) Identify the social media platforms that are best suited for your company’s needs.

2) Create content that is relevant to the audience on those platforms.

3) Engage with the community on those platforms by answering questions, providing customer service, sharing valuable content, and leading them down your conversion path

Display media is a type of advertising that is delivered through digital channels such as websites or apps. Display ads can be in the form of banners, skyscrapers, or mobile ads and they can be rich media ads or simple gif ads. These ads can serve programmatically or through direct relationships with websites and app developers.  From our perspective, programmatic seems to be more cost-effective and has a better ROI

Digital media ads can be an effective way to reach both new and existing customers. They are most often used to build brand awareness and drive conversions. This form of advertising has grown in effectiveness due to the many layers of data you can now add to your targeting such as age, gender, household income, customer lists, lookalikes, zip codes, topics, interest channels, and of course retargeting current customers. It is important to note that ads with great images and call-to-action buttons will always outperform those without them.

5. Prioritize Creating An Account Management System

Finally, It is essential to have a system in place to monitor your campaigns and the results. This will help you see what is working and what is not.

It is helpful to have someone who will take responsibility for checking in frequently on your campaign’s success. Do not set it and forget it. This person should be able to identify problems and suggest solutions as well as make sure that the campaign has enough resources and budget for long-term success.

Those are our top 5 things to do before starting a digital media campaign! Get ahead of your budget by setting up these building blocks to success and watch your results come streaming in.

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